Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Wild Will Wilder Adventure by Raymond Arroyo

Will WilderThe Lost Staff of Wonders

By Raymond Arroyo
Recommended for ages 8 – 12, Grade Levels 3 - 7

Grab your imagination and your creative spirit because you’re off on an adventure from cover to cover when you join Will Wilder in his series of daring deeds. This time author Raymond Arroyo sends Will off to find The Lost Staff of Wonders and invoke its powers to save the people of Perilous Falls. Danger strikes from the most peculiar and surprising sources, invoked by a demon intent on devastating the town’s peaceful neighborhoods. What would you do if such a menace struck your hometown?

Will Wilder gathers together his wonderful band of friends, each with talents and strengths of their own, asking them to go with him on this quest. His loyal buddies Andrew and Simon put their fears aside and join him, along with Max in his new motorized wheelchair who has dreams that foresee events in the future, and also his smart sister Cami agree to support their friend to save Perilous Falls. Together they help Will as he summons his supernatural abilities, and what he’s learned from his magical training, to try and stop this demon. Along the way they discover wisdom and help from family, even Will’s little brother. They find out that solutions and strength come not through anger, but from determination and trust within your heart.

Someone has stolen the Staff of Moses from the Museum. At one time hidden inside the Arc of the Covenant and said to have been responsible for summoning the plagues of ancient Egypt, whoever stole it must be stopped from unleashing terrors on Perilous Falls. It will take the combined forces of Will, his friends, and family, for any chance to find this devious thief and for any hope to face the demon before all is destroyed. As the river runs with blood, sharp-toothed frogs surround, and clouds of swarming gnats choke, what will it take for Will’s group to prevail?

New York Times bestselling author Raymond Arroyo tickles your curiosity and astounds with great action. He is dedicated to the joy of reading. As the founder of Storyented, he’s created a portal for reading engagement, recommended book lists, and the opportunity to delve deeply into stories that have touched our lives. The author lives in Virginia where he shares adventures with his wife and three children.